Thursday, 8 March 2012

How to open ZIP Archive without password

Where to get ZIP password?
I just downloaded Star wars rogue squadron pc full by sniper using rapid share but the damned thing requires a password to unpack zip password. Why would anyone upload something for popular to download and put a password and not let anyone know it? Anyone who know a way around this, the password, or how to open zip password or where to get the password?
Zip is a file format used for data compression and archiving. A zip file contains one or more files that have been compressed, to reduce file size, or stored as is. The zip file format permits a number of compression algorithms.

Here there are three ways for you to open ZIP Archive without knowing password.
1         Brute force attack: Just like you can force a lock open you can also force a zip file open. In this way you try out every single possibility the password could be. Don’t worry you don ‘t have to do this manually, there are many programs out there that can brute-force the file. This technique just lets your computer go trough every single possibility. For example a program which can do this is ZIP Password recovery 5.0. This however is licensed software so you need to pay for it. Just Google for “ZIP Password recovery 5.0” and you will find plenty.
2         Brute-force with Attack: In the field of decryption, mask is a commonly used term refers to the password features you still remember. For example, the possible password length, any digits, letters, special characters like pond, dollar, or asterisk in the password; what is the fist and last characters of the password, etc. You can use this attack if you still remember part of your password. For example, if you still remember your password is 4 characters and begins with “z”, then you can define the mask as “z???”. Thus reduces the detecting scale for the program, as it will only seek for the last 3 characters instead of 4 characters of the whole.
3         Use a Dictionary attack: This type attack is similar to the brute force attack but it takes less time but has a chance of failure. The dictionary attack basically just uses a pre-defined word-list to try and crack the file. Since this has a chance of failure and doesn’t save all that much compared to a brute force attack its best to just use the brute force attack.
Today I will show you the way of “Brute-force Attack” step-by-step:
Step 1: Click “Open” to open the target Zip file with the program.
Select your file in the Open File window and click “Open”.

Step 2: On the “Recovery” tab, select “Brute-force Attack (Trying All Possible Combinations)”.

Step 3: Click “Start” button in the Menu to initiate the program.
Step 4: The program is processing for the password. Sometime later, a message box pops up to you, displaying the expected password. Click “OK”.

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